QofG Instructions
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Sample QoG syntax
*correlation matrix.
/variables= jht_ccc jht_ccd bl_asymf bti_aod bti_cdi bti_ssn ess_relig fh_cl gcb_pclgcmost bti_pdi.
*correlation of Covid cases/deaths with various indicators.
/variables= jht_ccc jht_ccd with bl_asymf bti_aod bti_cdi bti_ssn ess_relig fh_cl
gcb_pclgcmost bti_pdi.
*regression of performance on covid cases.
regression variables=jht_ccc bti_pdi
/dependent = jht_ccc
/method = enter.
*adding scatterplot.
regression variables=jht_ccc bti_pdi
/dependent = jht_ccc
/method = enter
/scatterplot = ( jht_ccc bti_pdi).
*adding jitter.
compute bti_pdij = bti_pdi + RV.UNIFORM(-0.5, +0.5).
regression variables=jht_ccc bti_pdiJ
/dependent = jht_ccc
/method = enter
/scatterplot = ( jht_ccc bti_pdij).