Exercise 10

Homework Exercise 10–Path Analysis & Review

Points 10

Part 1—California (4 points)

  1. Use the California Syntax file to create a path analysis, presenting both standardized and unstandardized results.
  2. Report the direct, indirect and total effects of partisanship (x1).
  3. Comment briefly on the results.

Part 2—Texas (4 points)

  1. Use the Texas Syntax file to create a path analysis, presenting both standardized and unstandardized results.
  2. Report the direct, indirect and total effects of partisanship (X1).
  3. Comment briefly on the results.

Part 3—Overview (2 points–marked for participation)

Please briefly answer these five questions:

  1. What are the best aspects of this course?
  2. What are the worst?
  3. What would you suggest adding to this course?
  4. What would you suggest omitting from the course?
  5. How should the course be otherwise improved?